Our episode this week is a memorial to Cory Cardinal. Regular listeners will remember Cory as the organizer of the recent hunger strikes in Saskatoon Correctional and as a past contributor to Kite Line. An inspiration to many and a tireless advocate on behalf of incarcerated people, Cory passed away earlier this month. Written and read by Abby Stadnyk, with contributions from Cory in his own words, this episode focuses on both his life and organizing, and how the system he struggled within ultimately killed him.

Thanks to Abby, Perilous Chronicle, and to all who contributed their words to the show. You can find previous episodes with Cory here, here, here, here and here, or by clicking tags below this episode description on the website.

You can read the full piece by Stadnyk, along with photos and links:

In Memoriam: Cory Charles Cardinal (1983-2021)