Prison Uprising

269 | A Perfect Storm – Conditions at Attica

This month, we are commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Attica prison uprising, a high point of the cycle of prisoners’ struggle of the 1960s and 1970s. We share experiences from former Attica prisoners Joseph Hayden and Carlos Roche, and attorney Elizabeth Fink, who all describe the events of that day and the days leading…

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217 | Attica as a Moment of Abolitionist Imagination

Last week marked the 49th anniversary of the Attica prison rebellion. In this episode of Kite Line, we finish our conversation with Dr. Orisanmi Burton. A professor at American University, Dr. Burton introduces us to the diverse demands of the Attica rebels, as well as misconceptions about the demands and the rebellion itself. He also speaks…

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216 | A Positive Demand for Another World: Reflections on the Attica Prison Uprising

This week marks the 49th anniversary of the Attica Uprising, when 1300 prisoners in New York state overcame physical, social, and political barriers to accomplish their revolt. We spoke with Orisanmi Burton, a professor at American University, who has interviewed many participants in the uprising and is currently preparing a book on the event. Professor…

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213 | George Jackson and the Legacy of Revolt

Today, August 21st, is the 49th anniversary of George Jackson’s murder by San Quentin guards.  Jackson was a leading theorist and militant in the prisoners’ movement which had emerged over the previous decade in close relationship to the rise of Black Power.  His books, Soledad Brother and Blood in my Eye, remain touchstones for prisoners’ discussions across the…

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211 | The Same Amount of Work for an 8th of the Credit- Academic Bias Against Prisoners

This week marks our 4-year anniversary, and we would like to thank all those who have contributed their stories, labor, and expertise to Kite Line, making it possible to air news and experiences of incarceration for 211 consecutive episodes. Thank you! — In this episode, we share news from a major prison riot in Georgia,…

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190 | Red Zone: Prison Revolts Across Italy in the Wake of COVID-19

The entire country of Italy is now a “red zone,” not quite quarantined, but facing serious restrictions to movement and public gathering due to the coronavirus. Prisoners were told that they would lose all family visitation, even though the Justice Ministry was not taking any other steps to offer them medical care or prevent transmission…

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26 | Histories of Resistance in Ohio’s prisons

We go to the neighboring state of Ohio this week in order to dig into the history of Midwestern prison resistance. We share more of the story of Siddique Hasan – one of 5 prisoners on death row for their role in the 1994 Lucasville Uprising – as well as his organizing and his case….

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14 | Sekou Kambui

This week, we return to the experiences and stories of Sekou Kambui, who was incarcerated for 47 years in Alabama prisons. He was originally charged due to his commitment to Black liberation and organizing in the deep south. In this interview with James Kilgore, we get a picture of the New Afrikan practices of self-education…

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